Jumat, 08 April 2011


  1. I don't go and he doesn't come here
  2. They are clever and he also
  3. Either he passed the examine or his friend
  4. We must work hard, otherwise we'll find difficulty to life
  5. He is rich, but miserly
  6. You are clever, but crazy
  7. He did not go to study for he was sick 
  8. If you have a debt you must pay it
  9. He is not only a corruptor but also a traitor
  10. Not only we but they do not come here


co-ordinating conjunction adalah menghubungkan dua kalimat yang sederajat yaitu kalimat yang satu tidak bergantung pada kalimat yang lain.


  1. CUMULATIVE (kumulatif) menunjukkan penambahan.
  2. ALTERNATIVE (alternatif) menunjukkan pilihan (diantara dua).
  3. ADVERSATIVE (adversative) menunjukkan kontras atau berlawanan.
  4. ILLATIVE (illative) menunjukkan kesimpulan.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

jakarta fair

Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) or Jakarta Fair is the largestannual exhibition in Indonesia. Although named after the"week", usually lasts for one full month from mid June tomid-July to mark the anniversary of Jakarta.
PRJ first held in 1968. Until now, every year its implementation was never interrupted. From 1968 to1991 PRJ ever held in the National Monument Park.

beginning of the finger board

Fingerboarding is popular in Europe and the UnitedStates, and there are increasingly popular in EasternEurope. Besides skateshops and the Internet,Fingaspeak, a fingerboard store opened in Steyr,Austria although rumored to be the world's firstfingerboard joins a very small store fingerboard storethe available list. Although the sport originated in theUnited States fingerboarding more than 25 years agoit had completely burned in the European scene.United States is to follow every so slowly and it is estimated that despite the popularity seems to supportthe people of Europe Fingerboard American scenehave more sales. This may be caused by flooding the market and the availability of resources in the UnitedStates. Fingerboarding has evolved from a hobby to a lifestyle for some people. Fingerboarders familiar"contests, exhibitions, workshops and other events. "Fingerboard-product sales estimated at $ 120-millionfor 1999

history on twitter

  History Twitter was created as a separate company in April2007 by Obvious Corp., Jack Dorsey is the chief executiveofficer of Twitter until October 2008 when Williams becameCEO and Dorsey slid to the position of chairman of the board of directors. Since its establishment in 2006, Twitter hasbecome very popular all over the world. Twitter is the fastestgrowing

the launch of facebook

Facebook was first launched on February 4, 2006 by aHarvard University student, Mark Zuckerberg. The nameitself was inspired by Zuckerberg up of a term among thecampus across the U.S. to know each other amongacademic civitas. Initially its users only reserved for thestudents on the campus of Harvard University. Then laterexpanded into a number of campuses in the Boston area(Boston College, Boston University, NortheasternUniversity, Tufts University) and other campuses such asRochester, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern, and Ivy League.Following a number of other campuses in the U.S.. Finally,users further expanded again to a number of other campuses around the world. On 11 September 2006,Facebook made an important step to allow access to all the netters who have a valid email address, however, withage restrictions.